
Dr H & Lady Karin Honea

A mind expanded can not contract. Feed your mind every day.

3 will set you free 6 will make your rich.
A great quote for MLM’ers. DO NOT QUIT.
Give your vision 3 years with 100% commitment.
If it was easy climbing the mountain to the top, then everyone would be doing it. Be that one determined to be a success.

If you are willing to do what others won’t, you will have, achieve become and experience what others never will – DR H

“There are no limits to what you can achieve when you are 100% all in and willing to give it your all. .” – Dr H

Not managing your time and making excuses are two bad habits. Don’t put them both together by claiming
“you don’t have the time!”

Whatever you want to have or achieve, you have to create it and you can’t do that by being lazy and blaming everyone and everything. – Dr H

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Life coaching can offer a range of benefits to individuals seeking personal or professional development. Here are some potential benefits of life coaching:

  1. Clarity of Goals:
    • Life coaching helps individuals clarify their goals and identify what they truly want in life. This clarity can lead to more focused and meaningful pursuits.
  2. Accountability:
    • A life coach provides a supportive and non-judgmental accountability structure. Regular check-ins and discussions help clients stay on track with their goals and commitments.
  3. Improved Self-Confidence:
    • Through positive reinforcement and constructive feedback, a life coach can help boost an individual’s self-esteem and confidence. This can empower clients to overcome obstacles and challenges.
  4. Enhanced Communication Skills:
    • Life coaching often involves improving communication skills, which can be valuable in personal relationships, professional settings, and self-expression.
  5. Better Work-Life Balance:
    • Life coaches can assist individuals in finding a balance between personal and professional life. This can contribute to reduced stress and increased overall well-being.
  6. Stress Management:
    • Life coaching may help individuals develop effective stress management strategies, enabling them to cope with challenges and pressures more effectively.
  7. Personal Growth and Development:
    • Life coaching encourages self-reflection and personal growth. Clients gain insights into their own strengths, weaknesses, and patterns of behavior, fostering continuous development.
  8. Improved Decision-Making:
    • Life coaches guide individuals in making informed and confident decisions. They assist in evaluating options, setting priorities, and creating action plans.
  9. Overcoming Limiting Beliefs:
    • Life coaching helps identify and challenge limiting beliefs that may be holding individuals back. This can lead to a shift in mindset and increased possibilities.
  10. Enhanced Relationships:
    • Life coaching can improve interpersonal skills and contribute to healthier, more fulfilling relationships, both personally and professionally.
  11. Career Advancement:
    • Life coaches can assist in setting and achieving career goals, providing guidance on professional development, and helping individuals navigate challenges in the workplace.
  12. Increased Motivation:
    • Life coaching helps individuals tap into their intrinsic motivation, creating a sense of purpose and enthusiasm for pursuing their goals.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of life coaching can vary based on the individual’s commitment to the process and the compatibility between the coach and the client. Additionally, the specific benefits may differ depending on the goals and focus areas addressed during the coaching sessions.

7 Things I wish I had learned earlier:

1. Being alone doesn’t make you lonely…
Being surrounded by the wrong people does.

2. You cannot heal in the same environment that hurt you…
If you want to heal change your environment.

3. Never ignore the red flags just to see the good in people.
Red flags are there for a purpose to warn you of the dangers and to walk away.

4. Their behavior and the way they act…
Is sometimes the answer you were blindly looking for the reason to leave.

5. The grass is NOT greener somewhere else…
The grass is GREEN where you water it.

6. If you are a giver… KNOW your limits.
Because TAKERS don’t. They just keep on taking.

7. Live in the now because you may not have a tomorrow.
Enjoy your NOW, Live in your Now, never take for granted your NOW.

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Have you set artificial limits for yourself?

“Success or failure depends more upon attitude than upon capacity. Successful men/women act as though they have accomplished or are enjoying something. Soon it becomes a reality. Act, look, feel successful, conduct yourself accordingly, and you will be amazed at the positive results.” ~ Dupree Jordan

Setting GOALS without limits.

The question is, are you setting WOW goals and truly expecting to achieve them? Or,, have you set artificial limits for yourself? Sometimes all you need is a change in perspective from what is, and is not possible, to get you moving in the direction of your dreams!

Is Your ATTITUDE Imposing…Artificial Limits on Your Success?

Your ATTITUDE has a tremendous effect on your entire performance:
Your personal energy level…
Your sense of purpose and mission…
Your desire to set goals…
Your willingness to make plans…
Your ability to create interpersonal synergy…
Your ability to remain focused on your top priorities…
Your interest in staying organized…
Your ability to optimize your time and…
Your power to take bold action.
Yes, a positive and proactive attitude is VITAL to your success. Permit it to turn sour, and you rob your future of hope and promise. Nurture it, and you gain an instant power boost… a boost that automatically raises the intensity of your actions. Engage your brain on as many levels as possible, and you’ll learn faster, and remember what you’ve read longer.

One of the most important Factors governing your Attitude is to ask yourself if you consistently “speak in a positive, powerful and uplifting manner?” Do you? Your speech is a direct link to your emotions. Change one and you’ll change the other.

Your internal “self-talk” directly affects your expectations, and your expectations govern the way you act.

You cannot speak in a negative manner—and productively focus on what needs to get done at the same time.

If you want to think and feel more powerfully, then learn to SPEAK in a way that reflects positive and powerful feelings.


“But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you will not be the same person who walked in. That’s what your storms are all about.” 




Dr Honea